Every coffee bean has its own story; dozens of different stories come together in a cup of espresso. Savouring a good coffee is like reading a good book that conjures faraway lands and the aroma of Italy. Every day throughout the world, this story repeats itself with an ending that never disappoints: the unmistakable sensation of a coffee prepared with an Astoria machine.
For more than forty years we have been working with dedication to offer the barista the best instrument with which to serve an impeccable coffee. Astoria is a historic brand that represents the Italian tradition of espresso coffee machines. It is also the original core of the CMA group, which was founded in 1969 by Nello Dal Tio. It was officially acquired by the Ryoma holding company of Milan in October 2012.
Today, after a long growth process, Astoria represents excellence in espresso coffee machines around the world.
Astoria Think Espresso : Our passion is a perfect espresso, one that represents the style of baristas throughout the world who choose Astoria.